Bert Breen's Barn Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Bert Breen's Barn.

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

Time came, though, he began thinking what it would be like to have real Holstein cows in a barn with a cement floor like Massey's. It started him thinking about how poor they were. He noticed the w...

Coming of Age Quotes

[…] Tom sometimes thought it must have been a pretty good way to live, away off from other folks, picking berries if you had to, and poaching trout out of Armond's brook and pond, instead of stic...

Memory and the Past Quotes

It got in time so that she believed these stories she made up. Great-Uncle Tom became as real to her as her father, Chick, and a good deal more important in her thoughts. But whether the tales she...

Education Quotes

He started doing jobs around the place he hadn't done before, but there wasn't such a lot he could do especially when there was school. The school they went to was about two miles down the valley a...

Poverty Quotes

Chick knew how difficult it was to say no to a little, ragged girl with a sweat-streaked face, lugging a five-gallon pail of berries. [….] It was the way Chick made them do it. It felt like beggi...

Men and Masculinity Quotes

[Chick] and his family just scratched a living. His wife was dead, but he had five daughters and all summer he had them out picking berries or hunting ginseng while there was still a market for it....

Perseverance Quotes

It was quarter to five, because he had to be at the mill at half past seven and before then he had to get the cows and help with milking, eat his breakfast, and walk the three miles to the mill. (1...

Contrasting Regions Quotes

Inside the store there were a lot of counters, with sales ladies behind some of them and a lot of female customers looking over the goods. They all seemed to be talking to each other, their voices...

Isolation Quotes

He put [the house] up on the side of the hill a bit above the barn, and from the front stoop you could see out east across the big swamp, gray and empty-looking in fall, so it seemed to some as if...