Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 6 Summary

  • The old woman is Mrs. Breen, and Birdy explains that he and Tom have just come to see the barn.
  • Mrs. Breen invites them in for tea and cookies.
  • Oh. Guess the gun thing wasn't so scary after all.
  • Birdy tells her Tom is Polly Ann's daughter. Mrs. Breen knew Polly Ann when she was a younger girl.
  • But enough about the past. Mrs. Breen can read cards to see into a person's future.
  • Okay, one more thing about the past: Mrs. Breen read Polly Ann's future and warned that there was in a man in the cards who would do no good. But Polly Ann married Nob Dolan anyway.
  • Guess what? He turned out to be no good.
  • Mrs. Breen reads cards for Tom, and sees that his life is about to change. She predicts he will quit school, make a little money, and then, later on, will have a lot of money.
  • The cards don't tell Tom how he'll get the money, but Tom is definitely struck by the prediction. Sounds like a better life than Polly Ann's with Nob, anyway.