Crazy Rich Asians Part 1, Chapter 13 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Philip and Eleanor Young — Sydney and Singapore

  • Philip, Nick's father, is lounging in Sydney, Australia.
  • Eleanor calls to tell him about a dossier she commissioned to "check up on" Rachel (1.13.6).
  • Eleanor has a fit, calls Rachel deceitful because she's not from Taiwan or from American (but, wait, Rachel never said she was!), but born in...China! What's worse, she comes from "PEASANTS" (1.13.17).
  • Philip isn't entertained by his wife and pushes back against all her complaints.
  • She asserts that Rachel must be a gold digger and thinks Phil's mom (Su Yi) will blame her for it.
  • Philip thinks to himself that this is exactly why he stays away from Singapore.
  • Eleanor has Lorena's people in Beijing investigating Rachel because Daisy thinks Nick will propose to Rachel while in Singapore.
  • Phil teases, "If he hasn't already" (1.13.32).
  • Eleanor is worked into a tizzy. Phil says to trust their son and wishes he could get off the phone and just fish.
  • It's a few days later, and Eleanor is at Bible study at Carol's again.
  • Lamenting her trouble, Eleanor tells her friends that Nick and Rachel are staying at a hotel, as if he needed to "hide her" from them (1.13.36).
  • Nadine, who we're not quite sure is a good friend or not, enjoys watching a potential scandal unfold to "bring those high-and-mighty Youngs down a peg" (1.13.37).
  • Daisy wails that this is what happens to Westernized kids, her sons included.
  • The ladies talk poorly about American-born and Westernized Chinese women, calling them gold diggers, cut throat, and ostentatious.
  • Carol joins in, telling Eleanor she is lucky to have Nick since her son Bernard is spoiled by his father.
  • To keep things interesting, Lorena shares that she has "very valuable" info on Rachel in Shenzhen (1.13.46).
  • The women tell Eleanor to go to Shenzhen right when Nick and Rachel arrive to save face and get the upper hand in the situation.
  • All the ladies agree to a spa weekend and shopping trip in Shenzhen that will allow Eleanor to get her "valuable ammunition" (1.13.64).