Lies and Deceit Quotes in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I took the letter straight to my room. I put it under my mattress. I never told my father or mother about it. (4.7)

We're not sure why Grandma decides to keep this letter a secret from her parents. Would anything have changed if she had told them about it?

Quote #5

I wouldn't lie unless I absolutely had to, which I did a lot. (5.4)

Oskar eventually has to stop keeping track of all the lies he's telling because he has told so many. When lying becomes the norm, it starts to seem a little more acceptable.

Quote #6

In exchange for the lie, I made a promise to myself that when I got a raise in my allowance, I would donate part of that raise to people who in reality do have diabetes. (5.17)

Oskar feels the need to pay some sort of penance for lying. The funny part in this case is that he does: he sends fifty cents to diabetes research. Well, it was a small lie.