Lies and Deceit Quotes in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I could live a lie, but not bring myself to tell that small one. (6.1)

The size of lies is interesting to ponder. Grandpa has no problem pretending that he loves Grandma, or leaving without telling her goodbye, but he can't lie to her when she asks if he's wearing sunscreen. Why does he choose that moment to be honest?

Quote #8

"Who are you?" He went to the next page and wrote, "My name is Thomas." (13.49)

This is a little deceitful. The "renter" tells the truth by saying his name is Thomas, but he doesn't tell the whole truth: that he is Oskar's grandfather. Why does he keep this secret, even when face-to-face with his own grandson? Who's he protecting?

Quote #9

He wrote, I want to get you some magazines. (16.18)

Oh, Grandpa, this old lie again? He rolls out the same lie with Grandma years later but she sees through it this time. She knows this lie is code for "I'm leaving you. Again."