Betrayal Quotes in Hyperion

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I did not tell [Meina Gladstone] that [the Ousters] had promised to give me a device which would open the Time Tombs and allow the Shrike free rein. (6.508)

The Consul isn't just betraying Meina Gladstone by opening the Time Tombs, he's putting all of humanity in danger. And yet, they still decide not to kill him.

Quote #8

I shot her then, her and the three technicians. [...] Then I walked over [...] and triggered the device. (6.524)

We're not sure why the Consul felt he had to shoot the Ouster agents. He must have just had betrayal on the brain. It's a slippery slope—and evidently, you can't trust anyone in the future.

Quote #9

Our friend is a spy. [...] He is what they call in the thrillers a double agent, a triple agent in this case. [...] In truth, an agent of retribution (6.539)

Here, Weintraub calls the Consul a triple agent. That's a lot of agenting. Is it possible to be a quadruple agent, or would all the double-crossing just cancel itself other out?