Identity Quotes in Hyperion

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"But Jews maintain their ethnic and religious identity in some places," [Rachel] insisted. (4.169)

Rachel doesn't understand how Jews can maintain their identity if the Promised Land is gone forever. This is a major reason behind Sol's lack of faith. Is identity tied to the land?

Quote #5

They studied old family photos and found that it was not too difficult to dress the way they had a decade and a half before. (4.363)

We hope they weren't wearing bell bottoms or shoulder pads a decade and a half before. Those should just stay in the closet.

Quote #6

My... function... is to observe and react to human beings. In a sense, I was human once myself (5.346)

Johnny once felt human, but the more he realizes how much of his identity was pre-programmed, the less sure of his identity he is. Can he be his own robot... er, man... er, cybrid?