Old Age Quotes in Hyperion

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Balthazar all but glowed blue-white from those crude, early Poulsen treatments (3.52)

Glowing blue seems to be the Awful Plastic Surgery of the 28th century. Anti-aging treatments aren't as effective if everyone can tell that you've had them.

Quote #5

Neither [Sol nor Sarai] had considered Poulsen treatments because neither of them could afford it, but even without such care they looked forward to another fifty years of health. (4.139)

Even in the 28th century, not everyone resorts to artificial treatments to stay young. Some people prefer to age gracefully—and it sounds like, treatments or not, that's a lot easier in the 28th century.

Quote #6

I just keep getting younger and smaller and less capable until I just disappear someday? (4.356)

Replace "younger" with "older" and Rachel's concerns would still be just as valid.