Time Quotes in Hyperion

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

During the four years that Rachel was in transit—a few weeks of cryogenic fugue for her—Sol found that he missed his daughter much more than if she had been out of touch but busy somewhere in the Web. (4.195)

Sol has a lot more time to miss his daughter. Those four years will feel just like a few days to Rachel. But isn't that like any exciting experience? It flies by for the person actually in the middle of it.

Quote #8

It was five years ago for me. It was more than sixty-five years ago for us. It seems only yesterday. (6.152)

No matter how many years pass, some memories will always feel fresh: graduation day, wedding day, the day aliens destroyed the planet...

Quote #9

Even if they brought us back [...] the round trip would have cost us eleven years' worth of friends and family. The time-debt was irrevocable. (6.186)

Just like distance being measured in time, time is also measured in the quality time you lose with friends and family. You can never get it back. Maybe the future isn't so different after all.