Julie of the Wolves Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

They called her father Charlie Edwards and Miyax was Julie, for they all had two names, Eskimo and English. Her mother had also called her Julie, so she did not mind her summer name until one day when Kapugen called her that. She stomped her foot and told him her name was Miyax. "I am Eskimo, not a gussak!" she had said, and he had tossed her into the air and hugged her to him. (2.24)

You know what's really interesting about this quote? How the names are related to the seasons. Julie is Miyax's summer name, because that's when all the English-speaking tourists come around. Winter, on the other hand, is the season when the Eskimos can truly be Eskimos.

Quote #5

With that, Miyax became Julie. She was given a cot near the door in Martha's little house and was soon walking to school in the darkness. She liked to learn the printed English words in books, and so a month passed rather happily. (2.38)

Well that was easy. Who knew that a name change was just a matter of moving to the nearest town? We don't know about you, but Shmoop thinks it's a little sad and strange that she's so willing to give up Miyax so quickly.

Quote #6

The many years in seal camp alone with Kapugen had been dear and wonderful, but she realized now that she had lived a strange life. The girls her age could speak and write English and they knew the names of presidents, astronauts, and radio and movie personalities, who lived below the top of the world. (2.43)

Julie's childhood identity doesn't quite fit into her new Americanized community. Instead of her Eskimo identity being a source of pride, it's a source of shame.