Marked Chapter 2 Summary

  • Zoey brushes her hair over her forehead and makes a dash for her car when she thinks everyone will have left school. Wrong—Heath is waiting for her.
  • Heath is sitting on the back of a pickup truck belonging to two of his dude friends, Dustin and Drew. He asks if Zoey's mad at him, then says he wasn't really cheating on her at the party. Kayla hadn't said anything about that… hmm.
  • When Zoey snaps her head around to look at Heath, he sees the Mark, and he immediately tells his dudebros about it, too. They all exclaim that Zoey's a freak now.
  • The dudebros try to drive away, but Heath falls out of the truck's back. Zoey rushes over to help him up, and she smells something amazing on him.
  • Heath tries to put the moves on Zoey, but then notices that he's bleeding—she's mesmerized by the blood.
  • Dustin and Drew grab Heath and pull him into the truck; Zoey is freaked out and just focuses on driving herself home.
  • When Zoey gets home, she's hoping that her sis is at cheerleading practice, and her brother is playing a video game. She goes to find her mom.
  • But her mom, when she sees Zoey's mark, isn't very understanding. She asks what Zoey did (um, nothing, it's not like she asked to be chosen for the Mark), and she flips out about what Zoey's father will say.
  • Zoey asks her mom to delay telling John—her stepfather—about the Mark for a day or two, just so they can have some time together. Zoey's mom refuses, saying that Zoey should be grateful to John for giving them a better house and a brighter future.
  • Zoey snaps and rants to her mom about how their family is just pretending to be happy and perfect, when nothing could be farther from the truth. Zoey declares that she's glad she's been Marked, since she's sick of pretending that their family is perfect.
  • Zoey stalks to her room and begins packing a bag—and then she hears her dreaded stepfather's voice calling her out to talk.