Marked Chapter 21 Summary

  • Zoey catches up with her grandma, telling her about her cat and her new friends; she also mentions that she drank blood and liked it. Grandma responds in a chill way, saying that it's what vampyres do.
  • Zoey describes the situation with Aphrodite, as well as her discovery of her own powers to connect with the elements of a ritual. Grandma recommends that Zoey perform the purification prayer of their people to ask for the Goddess's help with the situation.
  • Zoey feels way better after talking to her grandma, and then she runs into Erik and he asks her out (specifically, to come over and watch his favorite DVDs, the original Star Wars movies).
  • But Zoey turns Erik down. Afterward, her friends ask what she was thinking—what could possibly be more important than going on a date with that hottie?
  • According to Zoey? Getting rid of Aphrodite.