Marked Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Stevie Rae swallowed hard and finished in a rush, "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want us to be friends." (8.85)

When Zoey first meets Stevie Rae, her roommate-to-be at the House of Night, Zoey asks why Stevie Rae didn't pester her for info about her strange filled-in Mark. Stevie Rae's response is classic: She wants to be Zoey's friend, so she'll be respectful and stay out of her business. Gosh, wouldn't it be nice if more people thought that way?

Quote #2

I laughed, too, and I really, really liked how it sounded when he'd said "our" Zoey… like I belonged… like I might be home. (13.48)

Zoey's new friends do tease her sometimes. Like right here, Damien jokes about how "our Zoey" has such a way with vulgar language when she says "poopie." When your friends feel comfortable enough with you to make mild jokes at your expense, though, that's often a good sign about how close you're becoming.

Quote #3

"Everyone will act like nothing happened, especially upperclassmen. It's just third formers and good friends of Elizabeth, like her roommate, who will show any reaction at all." (15.18)

When Elizabeth no-last-name dies after her body rejects the Change, Stevie Rae explains to Zoey how the fledglings are supposed to handle grieving. Which is to say, they're not supposed to engage in it, unless they were friends with the deceased. That seems like one way to handle death, we suppose, though it makes us wonder if friendships and relationships work differently in the vampyre world.