Paper Towns Part 2, Chapter 2 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • The next day at school, it's practically total anarchy because Margo Roth Spiegelman is gone.
  • The worst thing that happens is a group of bullies in ski masks squirt some kids with squirt guns filled with pee.
  • Quentin decides to take matters into his own hands, and he e-mails Jase Worthington, saying that he'll release his naked photo if he doesn't stop his cronies from bullying other kids.
  • That afternoon, while Quentin and Ben are playing video games, Jase and Chuck show up at Quentin's front door.
  • Chuck apologizes for telling his cronies to "piss-gun" (2.2.38) those freshman.
  • Instead of accepting his apology, though, Ben punches him—but Chuck barely flinches.
  • Jase tells Ben to chill out, and he and Chuck leave.
  • Ben is impressed that Quentin single-handedly ended the bullies' reign of terror.