Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 4, Chapter 3 Summary

History I'd Rather Forget—Age Seventeen—Spring

  • That March (after the Valentine's Day fiasco), Vera and Charlie pretty much avoid each other.
  • She thinks things will blow over at first, but in April she starts to realize that their friendship might be in real danger. That's when Charlie starts believing the lies that Jenny Flick tells him.
  • She starts spreading rumors that Vera is talking behind Charlie's back, that she told everyone that his penis is small, his dad beats his mom, and he is gay.
  • Instead of realizing that Vera would never spread those rumors, Charlie spreads one of his own by telling everyone that Vera's mom was a stripper. Go team.
  • The kids at school make fun of Vera for this and spread rumors that she's a stripper or porn star, too, and she desperately just wants them all to ignore her again.
  • Vera is so angry that she almost wants to tell people about how Charlie sells his used underwear, but she doesn't.
  • One day when Vera is out walking by herself, she accidentally runs into Charlie and the other Detentionheads. They yell at her and call her a "slut," and Charlie throws dog poop that hits her in the head.
  • After that, Vera doesn't go on hikes by herself. She also knows from the lights on in the tree house that Charlie is taking Jenny Flick up there to have sex. Gross.
  • In mid-May, Vera applies for some jobs. She desperately wants the one at Zimmerman's, but she agrees to apply to the pizza place as a back-up, just in case.
  • The next morning, she sees Jenny Flick get on the back of Charlie's motorcycle and remembers how they rode together on Valentine's Day. Those days are long gone.