Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 5, Chapter 2 Summary

History I'd Rather Forget—Age Seventeen—August

  • Over the summer, Vera continues to work at Pagoda Pizza and is surprised by how much she likes it. She also gets really good at ignoring Charlie, Jenny Flick, and all of their friends.
  • One afternoon, she comes home from work and pulls into the driveway. When she looks up, Charlie is standing outside her car saying that they need to talk.
  • Vera is scared and angry and refuses to go talk to him. He tells her that Jenny is going to hurt the animals and kill him, but Vera just ignores him—she really doesn't want to deal with Charlie anymore.
  • He calls her a b**** and Vera's dad comes out to make sure that everything is okay. Vera goes inside and takes a shower before eating dinner with her dad.