Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 5, Chapter 13 Summary

Live a Little—Wednesday

  • When Vera wakes up in the morning, she tells her dad that they're going on a magical mystery tour together.
  • As they drive, she tells him that they're going to clear Charlie's name and that she needs his help to go talk to the police.
  • Vera tells everything to the police, even the stuff about the pervert that Charlie sold stuff to. The whole time, her dad looks appalled, but afterward he tells her that he's proud of her for doing the right thing.
  • They go to a diner to eat, and her dad tells her that he wishes she'd told him about the pervert sooner, but Vera explains that she didn't want to bother him at the time, especially with everything going on with her mom.
  • Her dad apologizes for not filling the void that her mom left, and Vera sets him straight; he did fill the void. The void was in her mom, and when she left, she took it with her. When they leave, Vera hugs him and tells him that she loves him.
  • Then her dad asks if they're going home now. Vera starts laughing and says that it's time that they both live a little.
  • They go home to pack overnight bags and tape signs with their secrets on their backs: Hers reads "Ex-stripper's daughter" and his reads "parsimonious."