Speak Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Welcome to the only class that will teach you how to survive […]. Welcome to Art." (4.3)

That's Mr. Freeman, of course. Do the things Melinda learns in art class in fact teach her to survive? Can you think of a specific example?

Quote #2

An apple tree growing from an apple seed growing in an apple. I show the little plantseed to Ms. Keen. She gives me extra credit, David roles his eyes. Biology is so cool. (30.12)

In biology class Melinda learns to look closely at nature. Or her close attention to nature makes her a natural at biology. Seeing the sprouted apple seed seems to sooth Melinda. Why might this be?

Quote #3

They offer me a deal. If I volunteer to teach Basketball Pole how to swish a foul shot, I will get an automatic A in gym. I shrug  my shoulders and they grin. I couldn't say no. I couldn't say anything. I just won't show up. (35.12)

Melinda learns that she's a talented athlete, good with a ball. Sports don't play a huge role in her recovery, but knowing she's good has to give her a much needed self-esteem boost.