Speak Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"This is where you can find your soul, if you dare. Where you can touch that part of you you've never dared look at before." (4.5)

The novel makes a running argument for the power of art to transform the artist and those who look at art.

Quote #2

Definitely not a dryad face. I can't stop biting my lips. It looks like a mouth that belongs to someone else, someone I don't even know. (6.10)

Dryads are female spirits of nature, who live in trees and are in charge of forests and groves. Melinda sees them as beautiful, unlike the way she sees herself now that her face has been transformed by her reaction to the trauma.

Quote #3

My contact folds in half under my eyelid. Tears well in my right eye. (9.9)

When you see someone having an issue with their eyes, glasses, or contacts in a book, it's probably a sign they are about to go through a metaphorical change in vision.