Speak Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I close my eyes, this is what I've been dreading. As we leave the last stop, I am the only person sitting alone. (1.3)

This sets the tone for Melinda's freshman year. She sits alone a lot. If the end of the novel is any indication, she'll be much less isolated next year.

Quote #2

I am outcast. (1.8)

Kids at Merryweather sure know how to hold grudges. Of course, not all the kids know that Melinda called the cops and got drunken partiers in trouble. Some of them have bigger things on their minds. But, Melinda sees it as everybody.

Quote #3

My room belongs to an alien. It is a postcard of who I was in the fifth grade. It is a demented phase when I thought that roses should cover everything and pink was a great color. (6.6)

It seems kind of symbolic that Melinda doesn't like pink anymore. Pink is an innocent, girlish color, and she doesn't feel innocent and girlish anymore. At first, she's totally isolated from the Melinda she was before the rape.