Speak Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

There is no point in looking for my ex-friends. Our clan, the Plain Janes, has been splintered and the pieces are being absorbed by rival factions. (1.9)

At first, it sounds like Melinda has just drifted away from her old friends. We soon learn there's more to it. In terms of Ivy and Nicole, this might actually be the case.

Quote #2

If there is anyone in this entire galaxy I am dying to tell what happened, It's Rachel. My throat burns. (1.10)

This early moment shows how much Melinda values her friendship with Rachel. We also see the start of Melinda's sore throat. It seems like Melinda is burning to speak, but can't manage it. Or maybe her case of nerves is making acid in her stomach, which burns her throat.

Quote #3

I see a few friends—people I used to think were my friends—but they look away. (3.4)

Aha! Melinda is definitely on lots of people's bad sides. Speak is very much a book about struggling to make, find, keep, and honor friends. This quote shows how hard that can be.