Family Quotes in We Need to Talk About Kevin

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We'd agreed that whether we became parents would be "the single most important decision we would ever make together." (2.10)

Good. This is good. This is a very good start, guys. This decision to create a family shouldn't be taken lightly. So what the heck goes wrong with these two?

Quote #2

"Motherhood," I condensed in the park. "Now, that is a foreign country." (2.59)

Eva is a world traveler, and she often compares the experience of motherhood, and later trying to understand Kevin, to traveling to a foreign world. Is this an apt analogy? What does a person have to do to prepare for this journey? Why is Eva unable to do it?

Quote #3

We staged an unofficial contest of sorts: whose parents were the most bonkers. (2.81)

Eva doesn't have a lot of respect for her own mother, who is a shut-in. We're not sure what Franklin's issues are with his own parents, and we only meet them briefly. How do both Eva and Franklin try to create a family different from the ones in which they grew up?