Identity Quotes in We Need to Talk About Kevin

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When I stand physically proud, I feel a small measure less mortified. (1.5)

Eva seems to be an apostle of the ancient philosophy "fake it 'til you make it." Isn't a large part of everyone's identity how they act, and not necessarily how they feel on the inside?

Quote #2

Horribly I remind myself of my mother. (1.31)

This is a frightening realization for many people, and that allows a lot of us to sympathize with Eva, a woman who otherwise comes across as cold and hostile. Do you think Kevin ever had a similar revelation, that he too was like his mother? How would he react to this thought?

Quote #3

In horror and sci-fi, the host is consumed or rent, reduced to the husk or residue so that some nightmare creature may survive its shell. (6.23)

While pregnant, Eva identifies Kevin with a monster from a horror movie. No wonder she isn't attached to him when he's born. Would you be, if you thought your baby was going to burst out of your chest like an alien?