Violence Quotes in We Need to Talk About Kevin

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In my naivete, I hadn't grasped that the property's very notoriety was the selling point. (1.45)

Eva is initially surprised that she is able to sell her house, a house considered a "murder house" of a sorts. But of course the American public loves gruesome murders like this. Violence brings fame.

Quote #2

"He pulls it very hard indeed. He's old enough now and I think he knows it hurts." (10.73)

One of Kevin's skills is that he always knows what hurts. When he is a baby, he pulls hair. But later, he makes the pain emotional in addition to physical.

Quote #3

I slapped him. It wasn't very hard. He looked happy. (12.74)

As a youngster, Kevin wants to provoke violence in others. We have no idea why. But when Eva slaps him, he looks happy: that's what he wants from her.