Manipulation Quotes in We Need to Talk About Kevin

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It was shortly after Siobhan jumped ship […] that Kevin stopped screaming. Stopped cold. (11.11)

It seems that Kevin was born that way, and by "that way," we mean "a manipulative sociopath." Was there ever anything Eva and Franklin could have done to help Kevin turn out all right? Was he just a born killer? Or did they somehow create him? Did society create him? If so, how?

Quote #2

Now Kevin started to wail. His tears were a bit late, in my view. I wasn't moved. I left him to it. (12.77)

Eva is aware of the way Kevin attempts to manipulate her and others early on. Either that, or she's simply cold. Which is it? Could it be a little bit of both?

Quote #3

Kevin's back was to us, and he was whispering. (16.48)

When Kevin goes to school, he has the opportunity to practice his manipulation skills on non-family members, to great success… if convincing a girl to scratch her own eczema-covered skin off can be considered a success. In Kevin's book, it is. Anything that makes him feel superior is good in his book.