Wonder Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Yeah, dudes, thanks," I said, holding my palm up like Jack just had, though I wasn't sure if they'd high-five me, too.

Amos looked at me and nodded. "It was cool how you stood your ground, little dude," he said, high-fiving me.

"Yeah, Auggie," said Miles, high-fiving me, too. "You were like, 'We're littler than you guys'…."

"I didn't know what else to say!" I laughed.

"Very cool, said Henry, and he high-fived me too. (8.Voices in the Dark.41-45)

The popular guys finally see Auggie for who he is, and they admire that he bravely stood up to the cruelty and abuse the other kids hurled at him. Choosing to defend Auggie finally makes him one of them. They've gone into battle together—and survived—so now they're bonded.

But the bravest moment of all is, quite possibly, when Auggie holds up his hand for that high-five he doesn't even know if he will get. When he does get that unhesitating high-five, we know everything has changed.

Quote #11

I heard Maya, who was next to me, give a little happy scream when she heard my name, and Miles, who was on the other side of me, patted my back. "Stand up, get up!" said kids all around me, and I felt lots of hands pushing me upward out of my seat, guiding me to the edge of the row, patting my back, high-fiving me. "Way to go, Auggie!" "Nice going, Auggie!" I even started hearing my name being chanted: "Aug-gie! Aug-gie! Aug-gie!" I looked back and saw jack leading the chant, fist in the air, smiling and signaling for me to keep going, and Amos shouting through his hands: "Woo-hoo, little dude!" (8.Floating.1)

By the end of the year, all the kids in Auggie's class have come to accept him. And more than that, they really like him. (Well except for Julian, but he's switching schools anyway.) Looks like Auggie will be having a completely different experience in the sixth grade.