12 Monkeys Scene 31 Summary

  • In the bathroom, the man with the raspy voice reminds Cole that he isn't permitted to stay. Cole shouts that he's done his job and he's staying—and, in the process, terrifies the businessman in stall number two.
  • Jose intercepts Cole. He tells him they received his message. He also tries to hand him a gun, but Cole's like, "No, thanks."
  • Railly bumps into Dr. Peters at the newsstand. A picture in the paper shows him to be Dr. Goines' assistant, and a ton of stuff starts making sense for her.
  • Jose tells Cole that he's supposed to kill Railly if Cole doesn't agree to the plan.
  • Cole asks who he's supposed to shoot. At that exact moment, Railly runs up to tell him about Dr. Peters. Talk about timing.