Proverbs Resources

This excellent resource provides almost every translation of the Bible you could possibly desire.

This site began as an artist's project to depict the Bible in Lego form—wild stuff. Proverbs isn't covered to a particularly great degree, but it is mentioned.

This presents a pretty succinct overview of Proverbs from a contemporary Jewish viewpoint.
Historical Documents

Check it out: This ancient Egyptian collection of proverbs and wisdom had a big influence on the Biblical Book of Proverbs. The authors even, apparently, used some of its sayings.

Henry authored one of the classic, main-line Protestant Bible commentaries. This is his take on Proverbs.

Scholar Wolfgang Mieder discusses the way that Martin Luther King Jr. used proverbs (but not just the Biblical kind) in his civil rights speeches.

Listen up. This contemporary American composer set Proverbs in a classical music setting in this work for chorus and orchestra.

The Tree of Life is found throughout the Bible—including in Proverbs, where it's a metaphor for any good, life-saving attributes or for Wisdom itself. Here's Disney World's visual representation.

Okay, so technically this doesn't have that much to do with Biblical proverbs—but hey: it's an old painting and it deals with proverbs—even if we're talking about the Dutch rather than the Hebrew variety.

This Russian icon depicts the king in a fairly wise-looking mode.

Wisdom and Truth are both female—as Wisdom is in Proverbs—as they aid History in recording the deeds of human beings.