A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Art & Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Pa Sesay, one of my friends' grandfather, had told us many stories that night, but before he began telling the last story, he repeatedly said, "This is a very important story." He then cleared his throat and began:

"There was a hunter who went into the bush to kill a monkey. He had looked for only a few minutes when he saw a monkey sitting comfortably in the branch of a low tree. The monkey didn't pay him any attention, not even when his footsteps on the dried leaves rose and fell as he neared. When he was close enough and behind a tree where he could clearly see the monkey, he raised his rifle and aimed. Just when he was about to pull the trigger, the monkey spoke: 'If you shoot me, your mother will die, and if you don't, your father will die.' The monkey resumed its
position, chewing its food, and every so often scratched its head or the side of its belly.

"What would you do if you were the hunter?" (21.50-52)

Is this a pretty crazy story to tell little kids? It's a really huge dilemma—who would you allow to die, your mother or your father? Ishmael sees this tale as a metaphor for the war. The fighting armies have put everyone in this exact position. They have to choose to kill or be killed. It's no way to live.