A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

It was infuriating to be told what to do by civilians. Their voices, even when they called us for breakfast, enraged me so much that I would punch the wall, my locker, or anything that I was standing next to. A few days earlier, we could have decided whether they would live or die. Because of these things, we refused to do anything that we were asked to do, except eat. We had bread and tea for breakfast, rice and soup for both lunch and dinner. The assortment of soups consisted of cassava leaves, potato leaves, okra, and so forth. We were unhappy because we needed our guns and drugs. (16.1)

Ishmael's priorities and habits have been totally warped by the army. He still thinks that he has power and doesn't know he was just a pawn in the war machine.