Drugs and Alcohol Quotes in A Million Little Pieces

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

What type of substances do you normally use?


Every day?

Yes. (1.2.66-1.2.69)

A nurse goes through a questionnaire with James, and we learn that he pretty much drinks from sun-up to sunset and uses every drug on the street (except Krokodil, although he'd probably try it). His drug use is insane, and it's not going to be easy to stop pumping his body full of that stuff.

Quote #2

I am crushed by images and sounds […] Dark shadows and bright lights […] The bugs crawl onto my skin and they start biting me and I try to kill them. (1.2.140-1.2.141)

No, James isn't suffering through the Johnny Depp flop Dark Shadows; he's having withdrawal dreams—pretty much on the second night of not being an addict. It's only going to get harder from here.

Quote #3

I started drinking at ten, doing drugs at twelve. (1.4.186)

James is 23, so he's been drinking and doing drugs for over ten years. Most kids are just addicted to candy and fast food at that age, but hey, those may be even harder addictions to break.