How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
My sins are unpardonable.
I stare at the question.
My sins are unpardonable.
I leave it blank. (1.5.209-1.5.212)
This is the first we see of James's doubts about religion. We're not sure at this point if he leaves it blank because he objects to religion in general, or because he's not sure if his sins are unpardonable or not.
Quote #2
Replacement of a chemical for a God and a Meeting. (1.8.11)
James mainly seems to object to the religious aspect of AA. Okay… he objects to pretty much all of it, but he tends to focus on the God part a lot.
Quote #3
The Lecture starts. It is about Letting Go and Letting God. […] His God has become his drug and he is high as a Motherfucking kite, and he rants and raves, paces back and forth, God this and God that, blah blah blah. (1.8.157)
James is adamantly opposed to any show of religious faith. We have to wonder if this guy is really "ranting and raving" as James says he is, or if he's just talking openly about his faith.