Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Drugs and Alcohol Quotes
What type of substances do you normally use?
Every day?
Yes. (1.2.66-1.2.69)
The Truth Quotes
It is a touching story, and it is written more to convince
than to tell. I am not convinced. No way, not at all. Not at all. (1.8.13)
Criminality Quotes
Possession, Possession with Intent to Distribute, three
DUIs, a bunch of Vandalism and Destruction of Property charges, Assault, Assault
with a Deadly Weapon, Assaulting an Officer of the Law, Publ...
Suffering Quotes
[Doctor Baker] jerks his hands forward and up and there's an
audible crack. Cold white light shoots through my eyes and through my spine and
into my feet and back again. My eyes are close but I'm c...
Violence Quotes
My front four teeth are gone, I have a hole in my cheek, my
nose is broken and my eyes are swollen nearly shut. (1.1.1)
Rules and Order Quotes
I change into the clothes he brought me. A pair of khakis, a
white T-shirt, some slippers. They're warm and soft and they feel good. I
almost feel human. (1.4.38)
Family Quotes
Although it is expensive to come here, many of our Patients
are here on scholarships that we fun through subsidies that we support.
Religion Quotes
My sins are unpardonable.
I stare at the question.
My sins are unpardonable.
I leave it blank. (1.5.209-1.5.212)