Adam Bede Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Adam Bede? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Adam Bede frequently uses metaphors and similes taken from what?

Star Trek.
Q. Hetty Sorrel is compared to what?

A secret agent.
A mule.
A red wheelbarrow.
A child.
Q. How does the narrator of Adam Bede describe love?

A "great and beautiful thing" that enriches small moments.
Something as pointless as "chips and sawdust."
"The river, that drowns, the tender reed."
"Love is all you need."
Q. What is in Hetty's locket?

A picture of a bird.
A pressed flower
A lock of her hair and a lock of Arthur's hair.
Q. The crying of Hetty's child most likely symbolizes what?

The rise of the middle class in Second Empire France.
The outbreak of the French and Indian War.
Hetty's guilty conscience.
The cessation of the Carlyle-Emerson correspondence.