Alanna: The First Adventure The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Now raw energy rammed through Alanna's arms, into her body. She choked back a gasp as her flesh turned into purple fire contained only by her skin. She glowed; she shimmered; she burned with raw magic. It hurt. (4.149)

Well, no wonder Alanna's not into magic. This sounds like a nightmarish hallucination from a really bad case of food poisoning or sustained sleep deprivation. Using magic sounds like Serious Business, and since Alanna's barely trained in it, she's taking on a massive risk by attempting to use magic to save Jonathan from the Sweating Fever. Hm. Maybe she should get some training, you think?

Quote #8

"Poor lass." There was pity in the woman's face. "The Goddess has Her hand on you. You've been given a hard path to walk." She tried to smile. "Luck to you, Alanna of Trebond. You'll need it." (6.82)

George's mother seems like a calm and capable woman, so the fact that she's unsettled by the magical mark the Goddess left on Alanna is more than a little disturbing. It's almost as if Alanna has the supernatural equivalent of the cooties.

Quote #9

"When the gods brush my life—the brush everyone's life at some point—I get nervous. There's no accounting for what the gods want." (6.143)

Myles like his books and his booze, so he's understandably caught off guard when the gods decide to start sending him dreams about how he should take Alanna to explore some ruins. He's just a simple man, yo. Why do the gods have to come knocking on his door? It seems that Alanna feels the same way, and she's got a magical Gift to manage on top of it.