Alanna: The First Adventure The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

She turned all her attention to the swords, letting Jonathan control their sorcery. Ylon, suddenly wary of her, lanced at her in a series of rapid thrusts. Alanna stopped each of them, feeling her confidence grow each time she stopped the Ysandir. Immortal he might be—swordsman he was not. (7.179)

In combining sorcery with swordsmanship, Alanna and Jonathan manage to defeat the Ysandir. Alanna is still not thrilled about working magic, but here she realizes that it saves her life—as well as Jonathan's. She's beginning to see magic as just another tool in her toolbox of "Stuff Knights Do." We're guessing she'd take a sword over a spell any day, but you have to start somewhere.