How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from All the President's Men.
Quote #1
POLICE RADIO: Car 727. Car 727. Open door at the Watergate office building. Possible burglary.
The movie opens with a crime, but not a slick heist on the caliber of the Thomas Crown Affair. It's an inept break-in that is discovered in about ten seconds. You know off the bat that we're not dealing with criminal masterminds.
Quote #2
HARRY ROSENFELD: One of the burglars had $814. One $230, one $215, and one $234. Most of it was in $100 bills and in sequence.
This is the first red flag on this break-in. How can $30 be in $100 bills?! Actually, the bigger question is why would robbers keep all this cash on them? They're not that bright.