Animal Dreams Animals Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

In town, the 4-H Club had set up a display of rabbits and fancy chickens in cages in front of the courthouse. A little country fair was planned for Easter weekend. The rabbits were of an odd-looking breed but all exactly alike, fancily marked with black-tipped ears and paws and a gorget under the throat, and it occurred to me how much simpler life would be if people were like that, all identically marked. If I were not the wrong breed. I corrected an old habit of thought: both my parents were born in Grace[.] (23.63)

Of course, everyone in Grace is marked with identical genetic signs—their blue eyes. Codi has them, too. It's interesting that even though Codi knows she's puro by now, she's still whining about being an outcast. Is she just attached to the idea of feeling left out?