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Animal Dreams Animals Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Loyd was sitting outside, drinking coffee under the huge mesquite that shaded his front yard. [...] He looked very happy to see me but also unsurprised; typical, maddening Loyd. Jack betrayed excitement in his thumping tail, but Loyd made no sudden movements. He let me come to him, bend over to kiss him, sit down in the chair beside him. I was oddly conscious of his skill with animals. (23.80)

There's a bunch of other stuff in there about Loyd's sweatpants and his wet hair, but we'll let you go to the book for that. Suffice it to say that Loyd is ringmaster to the circus of Codi's heart.

Quote #8

"You know what Loyd told me one time?"


"He thinks people's dreams are made out of what they do all day. The same way a dog that runs after rabbits will dream of rabbits. It's what you do that makes your soul, not the other way around." (27.45-6)

It's pretty moving when Codi shares Loyd's insight with her father, partly because she admires his devotion to his own vocation, but also, in this instance, because what he's done every day is be her dad—even if he did it extremely weirdly.

Quote #9

Loyd was sitting outside drinking coffee under the huge mesquite that shaded his front yard. [...]. He looked very happy to see me but also unsurprised. Typical, maddening Loyd. Jack betrayed excitement in his thumping tail, but Loyd made no sudden movements. He let me come over to him, bend over to kiss him, sit down in the chair beside him. I was oddly conscious of his skill with animals. (23.80)

Sometimes it feels kind of problematic that Codi continually compares Loyd to an animal, but in this scene, we see that she thinks a lot about how she's pretty much an animal herself.