How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
He is so brilliant. He shines. He's beautiful with his hands that grab things and his tongue that says things and the way he stands and chews his food for so long, mashing it into a paste before he swallows. I will miss him and little Zoë, and I know they will miss me. (1.20)
Enzo's reflection on Denny is full of the purest, most selfless love that it basically makes us want to cry. We can hear how much he loves Denny just from the way he describes him, and he wants Denny to let him go so Denny can live his life.
Quote #2
Denny did not stop loving Eve, he merely delegated his love-giving to me. I became the provider of love and comfort by proxy. (12.9)
Denny is sensitive of Eve's needs, and he knows that in some ways he is helpless when her illness takes her, so he asks Enzo to act as intermediary, because it's all he can do. It's back to that theme of control: understanding when you can and can't act, and doing what you can in the meantime.
Quote #3
"I love you," she said. "I love all of you, even your racing. And I know on some level that you are completely right about all of this. I just don't think I could ever do it myself." (8.38)
This is why Eve and Denny's relationship works. They love and understand each other without trying to change each other. And sometimes, when they don't understand each other, they accept that without trying to force an explanation from the other. #relationshipgoals