Beauty Queens Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You know, instead of some old, backassward pageant competition, we should have a con. A Girl Con! How awesome would that be?" Adina said. "What would we do at a Girl Con?" Jennifer asked, giving the words a cheesy announcer's voice. "We could have some wicked cool workshops—writing, film, science, music, consciousness-raising…." (13.164-166)

Adina sparks a whole discussion with the idea of having an event where the girls would be teachers instead of getting judged. They actually all have a lot to offer. Ain't that inspiring?

Quote #5

"Oh, I know how you feel," Tiara said. "When our plane crashed here, and we had to bury the dead and deal with really bad wounds and Miss New Mexico got that tray stuck in her head—" "Hi!" Miss New Mexico waved. "—and the chaperones were all charred in the wreckage and it was really gross and scary and there was nothing to eat and no shelter and we had to build all that stuff and deal with giant snakes and bug bites and we barely survived a giant wave and mudslides and hallucinogenic plans and stuff, we were so, so tired." (21.20-22)

Tiara's earnestness is what makes this line so funny. She's responding to Sinjin, who claims to be tired and lies down in her bed. His tiredness from getting his boat to the island doesn't quite compare to the tiredness of what the Teen Dreams faced after their crash. But you know, points for empathy.

Quote #6

"It's kind of a mix-up, messed-up world we're inheriting," Shanti said. "When we get back, we should do something to change that." "Add that to Girl Con," Adina said. (22.136-137)

Not only does Shanti recognize a lot of the world's problems, she thinks she can change them. Do you think she would have felt that way in the beginning of the book? Yet another dose of island inspiration.