Beauty Queens Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #7

For the better part of several days, everyone worked together. Using two of the girls' rescued suitcases, they bailed as much water as they could and then scraped the hull of barnacles. Petra and George, whose mother was a seamstress, mended sails. Using a machete, Nicole, Ahmed, and Sosie took turns cutting a tree into lumber. Jennifer had found a tool kit with a hammer and a collection of mismatched nails and was ready to go. (21.163)

Extreme island DIY! The Teen Dreams (and reality TV pirates) have moved from waiting to be rescued to preparing for their own self-rescue. And they don't teach this stuff in arts and crafts.

Quote #8

After attacking the guards, she'd relieved them of their weapons and buried them in a shallow storage pit near Our Lady. The trip wires had not been easy to rig. She'd had to go deeper into the jungle to find vines that were strong enough, and she'd had to make sure they were low enough to the ground so as not to be seen. One wrong step and that person would be hoisted high in the trees to dangle by a foot until they passed out or Taylor was feeling merciful, whichever came first. Probably the passing out. She'd dug two deep holes. These she covered with leaves and branches and marked with tiny crosses so that she would remember not to step there. But oh, there was so much to do still. (24.2)

It's amazing how efficient Taylor has been, considering she's been tripping from hallucinogenic darts the entire time she was setting up these insane booby traps.

Quote #9

"I swear, if I get out of this, I'm going to tell my mom to back off and let me live my own life." "I'm going to law school and start changing some things," Miss Ohio said. (33.11-12)

Nothing like getting in a plane crash, being stuck on an island, and defeating an evil Corporation to make you evaluate your life choices. Before this point, Miss Ohio's dream was to be on reality television. This experience, especially coming face-to-face with The Corporation's corruption, has her dreaming much bigger.