Beauty Queens Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The bespectacled good girl with the nice rack plunged the jousting lance—constructed in Latin club—through the hot alien cheerleader's stomach in a deeply Freudian display. "Hasta la vista, b****." This is perfectly acceptable language. After all, that bad, bad girl IS stealing her boyfriend. (15.76-77, F.27)

This is one of The Corporation's "alternate scenes" to the empowered displays of sexuality in Chapter Eleven. And also the definition of irony.

Quote #8

Shanti sat next to Harris. "So let me get this straight: You booted the indigenous people off this land. You screwed up the environment. You tested products on helpless animals. Your 'Made in America' label is really made offshore. And now you're dealing illegal arms to a country we've levied sanctions against and you plan to murder us and then frame them for it so you can go to war and take over their resources? Any rights you didn't violate or laws you didn't break?" Harris thought for a second. "Our coffee is fair trade." (31.66-67)

Sometimes Bray's jokes hit too close to home. If a company makes a big deal out of its fair trade coffee (or other little features that aren't so relevant to what it actually does), it might be a good idea to check out the company's other labor practices.

Quote #9

Your Blood Is, Like, So Hot, the premium cable TV series about small-town predatory hemophiliacs who lie around looking anemic and sexy while trying not to bruise. Based on the French drama Le Monde C'est La Miemme (rough translation: Life is pain. Here is some soft cheese). (32.F.46)

A vampire joke and a France joke all in one. Oui, le twilight.