Beauty Queens Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"See them, New Mexico?"
"Not yet, Miss Ohi—do you think we could just call one another by our names?"
Miss Ohio nodded. "Sure thing, Caitlin."
"Thanks, Caitlin," Miss New Mexico answered. "Caitlin, I see them. They're coming from your right."
"Which Caitlin?" Miss Montana asked. "Me or Caitlin Arkansas?"
"Um, Caitlin Montana.
"Ugh. That just makes me sound like a porn star," Miss Montana complained.
"Do you have a middle name? Maybe that would make it easier?"
"Yeah. It's Ashley," Miss Montana said.
"That's my middle name too," Miss New Mexico said.
"And mine," Miss Arkansas shrugged apologetically.
"Mine's Ashlee with two e's," Miss Ohio offered. (37.39-49)

It's like the Beauty Queens version of the Who's on First comedy sketch. Someone needs a new "baby names" book.