Beetlejuice Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beetlejuice.

Quote #4

ADAM: My wife and I would like to ask you a couple of questions.

BEETLEJUICE: Sure, sure, sure. Go ahead. Shoot.

ADAM: Well, for instance, what are your qualifications?

BEETLEJUICE: Ah. Well, I attended Juilliard. I'm a graduate of the Harvard Business School. I travel quite extensively. I lived through the Black Plague and I had a pretty good time during that. I've seen The Exorcist about 167 times and it keeps getting funnier every single time I see it! Not to mention the fact that you're talking to a dead guy! Now what do you think? You think I'm qualified?

After telling the Maitlands that he's open to questions, Betelgeuse takes things in another direction by making fun of them for asking about his qualifications. Though, who knows? Maybe he did attend Harvard. Some scary people have graduated from that place.

Quote #5

DELIA: Open this door, you dead people, or we'll bust it down and we'll drag you out by the ropes you hanged yourself with!

LYDIA: They didn't commit suicide—

DELIA: It doesn't matter. Lydia, I have a chance to teach you something here. You have got to take the upper hand in all situations or people, whether they are dead or alive, will walk all over you. Open up!

Delia's not going to let herself be taken advantage of by a couple of ghosts. We doubt if Lydia's impressed by Delia's attempt at life lessons.

Quote #6

BEETLEJUICE: You bunch of losers! How dare you interrupt a professional while he's working!

BARBARA: I'm not fond of Charles Deetz particularly, but you could've killed him.

BEETLEJUICE: Hey, I'm just doing my job! Besides, I thought we had a deal. Hey, it's okay. You know why? I don't wanna do business with you deadbeats anyway, thank you. The only one I think I can deal with is Edgar Allan Poe's daughter. I think she understands me.

BARBARA: You leave her alone!

Betelgeuse is gonna get what he wants one way or another. We get the feeling this isn't over yet.