How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"In the last month I have relived those days over and over again," Mama said. "And I have promised my sister in my heart that if I ever see her again, I will tell her how truly sorry I am that I caused her pain." (5.22)
Love and Belle haven't been close in the past decade, but Love would apologize for her actions and make up with her sister if she could. She doesn't want this rift to be between them forever.
Quote #2
"But Mama, if Daddy loved you best, that wasn't your fault. What were you supposed to do?" I said, trying to comfort her.
"I could have been kinder," Mama said." (5.23-24)
Even though Gypsy doesn't see how her mother could have done things differently, Love disagrees. She didn't mean to hurt Belle by falling in love with Amos, but she could have been nicer about it. She could have been more understanding of Belle's pain.
Quote #3
"He's not my daddy!" I said in a low, evil voice. "And he never will be! I hate him!"
I saw a slow flush go over her face, and her lip began to tremble.
"You don't give him a chance," she said in a whisper. (11.69-71)
Gypsy has a hard time forgiving Porter for taking her father's place even though he's not doing it to be mean. She just doesn't want to accept him because it would mean accepting her father's death.