Belle Prater's Boy Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Even though Aunt Belle was Mama's sister, I had seen very little of her and Woodrow in my whole life. I had the idea from somewhere that there had been some kind of rift between the two sisters years ago, but when I asked Mama about it, she said, "Of course not! We were close. We loved each other." (1.21)

Families are complicated. Even though Belle and Love grew up with each other and were close, they haven't been able to mend their rift since Love married Amos… who was Belle's boyfriend first.

Quote #2

"Can we do this on my birthday?" Woodrow suddenly blurted out when there was a quiet moment.

Then, seeming to regret his boldness, he ducked his head into his plate and blushed scarlet.

There came a chorus of replies:


"Of course!"

"Naturally!" (4.37-42)

Woodrow is embarrassed that he asked for his own birthday celebration, but the family jumps in to let him know that he's one of them. They're happy to bring him into the fold and make him feel loved and cared for.

Quote #3

Granny and Grandpa stood up and greeted Uncle Everett and offered him a seat, which he took. At least he took the edge of it, where he perched, and didn't appear any too comfortable. I could barely remember him being in this room once… maybe twice before, and it occurred to me for the first time that it could be Uncle Everett felt self-conscious with us, just like Woodrow had felt that day in his oversized pants with the rope holding them up, and me in my frilly dress. (9.13)

Even after all these years, it's clear that Uncle Everett doesn't really consider himself a part of Belle's family. He gets awkward and self-conscious every time he's around them, even when they're being nice.