Belle Prater's Boy Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Belle Prater's Boy? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What about Gypsy does her mother consider her pride and joy?

Her hair
Her eyes
Her piano skills
Her ability to hypnotize chickens
Q. When did Belle start having boyfriends and looking prettier?

When she turned sixteen
When she went to beautician school
When Love left town for college
When she met Everett
Q. What trait of Woodrow's do people typically notice first?

His luscious hair
His smart aleck attitude
The pet parrot he keeps on his shoulder
His crossed eyes
Q. Why does Blind Benny only come out at night?

Because some people are scared of looking at his eyes
Because he's a vampire
Because he can only sleep during the day
Because he works the night shift at the hardware store
Q. What does Gypsy call her new haircut?

The Rachel
The Dixie Pixie
The Rosemary's Baby
The Ponytail