Belle Prater's Boy Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Belle Prater's Boy? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Gypsy get so mad at Woodrow after the garden party?

Because he gets away with everything and she's jealous
Because he got all the attention from the young debutantes
Because he drank some rum without sharing with her
Because he told everyone that Gypsy picks her nose at home
Q. What is Aunt Belle wearing when she disappears from home?

A bowler hat and a Charlie Chaplin moustache
A ball gown
Woodrow's clothes and shoes
A tiara and a tutu
Q. Why doesn't Gypsy like being called "Beauty"?

She wants people to pay attention to more than her looks.
She knows people are saying it ironically because she's so ugly.
People are calling her that because she looks like the horse from Black Beauty.
It's her mother's name.
Q. What grudge does Aunt Belle hold against Gypsy's mother, Love?

She stole her dress once and spilled coffee on it.
She stole Amos and married him.
She ran over Aunt Belle's cat in the driveway.
She cut off Aunt Belle's hair in a fit of rage.
Q. What really happened to Gypsy's father, Amos? How did he actually die?

In a fire while saving a baby
On a Ferris wheel accident at the amusement park
In a car accident
By shooting himself in the face