Belle Prater's Boy Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Well she told me lots of times. She told me that story so many times I know it by heart. A midwife was with her and she was having a real hard time. She was trying and trying to birth me, but I wouldn't come. Finally Mama passed out from all the pain and she went out of her body. Then she felt peaceful and free. She said that she drifted around the room and could see the midwife and her own body on the bed." (4.45)

From the way that Aunt Belle remembers Woodrow's birth—as an almost spiritual experience—it's obvious that she loves him a lot. He was definitely meant to be in her life, even if the path to having him was a difficult one.

Quote #5

"Mama told me when we die, we're allowed to live one day over again—just one—exactly as it was. This is the day I will choose."

I was surprised. A day that for me had been only slightly special was the most wonderful day of his life. (4.59-60)

Even though Gypsy doesn't think the day she's just had is all that special, Woodrow will remember and cherish it forever. He's even decided that this is the day he'll choose to live on repeat after he dies. What's a special memory to one person isn't necessarily to another.

Quote #6

"Amos Leemaster and me wuz boys together back there in Cold Valley, Kentucky, Miss Beauty."

"Why do you call me that?" I said.

"Beauty? Don't you 'member? It was his named for you! He always called you Beauty—short for Arbutus. He named you hissef—Gypsy Arbutus Leemaster. He sed he couldn't thank of ary other name to beat it, and he were right!" (11.35-37)

Hearing Blind Benny call her "Beauty" brings all sorts of memories back for Gypsy, both good and bad. Her father always called her that as an affectionate nickname.